If your friends have sponsored you via cash or check, read the information below to learn how to add the donations to your page, deposit the funds and how donation letters are issued to your sponsors.
All offline donations should be added to your fundraising page (through your dashboard) to allow NICU Helping Hands to issue donation letters to your sponsors.
You can submit each donation as you go, or you can submit all your offline donations in one transaction (at the end of your fundraising). We suggest submitting each donation as you go so you can share your progress through your personalized fundraising page.
Follow these steps to add your offline donations to your fundraising page.
Step 1: Log in to your fundraising page
Step 2: Click on 'Enter Pledge'
Step 3: Add the details of each donor (if your donor wants a receipt, be sure to add their email address). Select their payment type (Cash, Check, Pledge). And make sure to check the box if you'd like their name to appear on your personal/team page.
Step 4: Click 'Create'
Your offline donation will be added to your fundraising page total and be ready to be paid (to issue a receipt to your sponsor).
To make sure your cash or check donations reach NICU Helping Hands, you need to bank the funds you received from your sponsors.
There are two ways to deposit your funds:
1. Cash Donations (quick and easy)
If you've received cash donations and added their individual pledges through your personal fundraising page, you can simply send payment through our NICU Helping Hands donation link via your credit card - Please do not mail in cash). Make sure to add your name / team name in the notes box.
2. Mail in checks via USPS
If you've received a check (or cash donation and would like to send in a check) you can simply send payment via USPS mail. Make sure you have added their individual pledges through your personal fundraising page first so it shows. Please do not mail in cash.
Mailing Address: Include your name or team name in an envelope along with your check(s) and mail to:
We will reconcile the funds against the donations you've added to your page and then donation letters will automatically be sent to your sponsors.
Note: All checks must be made out to 'NICU Helping Hands' with "Biking for Babies' in the memo box.