“A mentor is not someone who walks ahead of you to show you how they did it. A mentor walks alongside you to show you what you can do.”
Antepartum bedrest. The NICU admission. Pregnancy and infant loss. You are intimately familiar with the challenges that a mother on bedrest, a caregiver in the NICU, or a bereaved parent faces. You are an expert because you have been through one or more of these experiences. You CAN make a difference and provide HOPE to a family that needs someone who fully understands what they are feeling.
You can become a peer mentor with NICU Helping Hands. Our One-on-One Mentoring Program pairs new caregivers with a seasoned and trained peer mentor that provides personalized care, guidance, support, and encouragement throughout their experience. We match caregivers with mentors who have had similar experiences.
NICU Helping Hands One-on-One Mentoring Program IS:
- Designed to provide caregivers with a trained peer mentor who can guide, support, and encourage them during and after an antepartum, NICU, or pregnancy/infant loss experience
- Available to assist caregivers locate additional community resources
- Just one of the many programs available to caregivers through NICU Helping Hands
NICU Helping Hands One-on-One Mentoring Program IS NOT:
- Intended to be a replacement or substitute for medical health professionals
- Intended to be a replacement for mental health professionals
We invite you to apply to become a One-on-One Mentor if you have:
- Experienced either an antepartum hospital admission, NICU admission, or pregnancy or infant loss, AND
- You are a MINIMUM of 2 years past your antepartum, NICU, or loss experience