My daughter Lilliana was born January 19th, 2012 at 31 weeks and weighing 3 lbs, 3 oz. Needless to say my husband and I were caught off guard and felt unprepared because she was born two months early. Believe me when I say we were not prepared one bit for what was coming up in our NICU journey. When she was born we knew we would have to face some obstacles, luckily we came across Brent Dore from NICU Helping Hands. I remember meeting him while I was on bed rest in the hospital, then running into him while we were in the NICU visiting Lilliana. Brent was always so caring and very informative regarding updates and information pertaining to our concerns.
I believe NICU Helping Hands helped us out in more ways that one, always keeping us up to date on events and informative gatherings. We were fortunate enough to attend a class on safe sleep and it was very helpful and informative. They were able to answer all our questions and concerns as well as educate us on key issues related to sleep. The interaction with NICU Helping Hands was impressive and we were blessed to have that program available to us from the beginning. I believe it would have made for a totally different experience without their support. They were our backbone when we needed them and we were very fortunate their support was always available and very genuine even when we were checked out of the hospital.
Thank you for all you do NICU Helping Hands and continue doing a great work!